public static final class ReleaseServiceGrpc.ReleaseServiceBlockingStub extends AbstractStub<ReleaseServiceGrpc.ReleaseServiceBlockingStub>
ReleaseService is the service that a helm application uses to mutate, query, and manage releases. Release: A named installation composed of a chart and config. At any given time a release has one chart and one config. Config: A config is a YAML file that supplies values to the parametrizable templates of a chart. Chart: A chart is a helm package that contains metadata, a default config, zero or more optionally parameterizable templates, and zero or more charts (dependencies).
getCallOptions, getChannel, withCallCredentials, withChannel, withCompression, withDeadline, withDeadlineAfter, withExecutor, withInterceptors, withMaxInboundMessageSize, withMaxOutboundMessageSize, withOption, withWaitForReady
protected ReleaseServiceGrpc.ReleaseServiceBlockingStub build(Channel channel, CallOptions callOptions)
in class AbstractStub<ReleaseServiceGrpc.ReleaseServiceBlockingStub>
public Iterator<Tiller.ListReleasesResponse> listReleases(Tiller.ListReleasesRequest request)
ListReleases retrieves release history. TODO: Allow filtering the set of releases by release status. By default, ListAllReleases returns the releases who current status is "Active".
public Tiller.GetReleaseStatusResponse getReleaseStatus(Tiller.GetReleaseStatusRequest request)
GetReleasesStatus retrieves status information for the specified release.
public Tiller.GetReleaseContentResponse getReleaseContent(Tiller.GetReleaseContentRequest request)
GetReleaseContent retrieves the release content (chart + value) for the specified release.
public Tiller.UpdateReleaseResponse updateRelease(Tiller.UpdateReleaseRequest request)
UpdateRelease updates release content.
public Tiller.InstallReleaseResponse installRelease(Tiller.InstallReleaseRequest request)
InstallRelease requests installation of a chart as a new release.
public Tiller.UninstallReleaseResponse uninstallRelease(Tiller.UninstallReleaseRequest request)
UninstallRelease requests deletion of a named release.
public Tiller.GetVersionResponse getVersion(Tiller.GetVersionRequest request)
GetVersion returns the current version of the server.
public Tiller.RollbackReleaseResponse rollbackRelease(Tiller.RollbackReleaseRequest request)
RollbackRelease rolls back a release to a previous version.
public Tiller.GetHistoryResponse getHistory(Tiller.GetHistoryRequest request)
ReleaseHistory retrieves a releasse's history.
public Iterator<Tiller.TestReleaseResponse> runReleaseTest(Tiller.TestReleaseRequest request)
RunReleaseTest executes the tests defined of a named release
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