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µb microbean-helm

Provides classes and interfaces for working with Helm from Java.

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Generated Code 
Package Description
Provides generated classes and interfaces for the chart-related aspects of communicating with Helm's server-side Tiller component from Java.
Provides generated classes and interfaces for the release-related aspects of communicating with Helm's server-side Tiller component from Java.
Provides generated classes and interfaces for writing ruddersTiller plugins—from Java.
Provides generated classes and interfaces for communicating with Helm's server-side Tiller component from Java.
Provides generated classes and interfaces for the version-related aspects of communicating with Helm's server-side Tiller component from Java.
microBean Helm Code 
Package Description
Provides classes and interfaces for working with Helm from Java.
Provides classes and interfaces for working with Helm charts from Java.
Provides classes and interfaces implementing chart resolution in terms of chart repositories.
Provides classes and interfaces for resolving Helm charts given chart coordinates of some kind.

Provides classes and interfaces for working with Helm from Java.

In general, classes that belong to a package whose name starts with hapi. are generated and compiled from the protocol buffers sources owned by the Helm project. Any classes that belong to a package whose name starts with org.microbean. are compiled from Java source code housed in this project.

Laird Nelson
See Also:
Tiller, ReleaseManager, URLChartLoader, TapeArchiveChartWriter
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