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build(SettingsBuildingRequest) - Method in class org.microbean.maven.cdi.YamlSettingsBuilder
Deserializes a Settings from a stream-based source represented by the supplied SettingsBuildingRequest and returns it wrapped by a SettingsBuildingResult in much the same manner as the method, but using YAML instead of XML, and performing interpolation in a more efficient manner.


getBeanArchiveLocation(Bean<?>) - Static method in class org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenExtension
Given a Bean, returns a URL representing the classpath root from which its bean class originates.
getDependencyRequest(String, List<RemoteRepository>) - Static method in class org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenArtifactClassLoader
Returns a non-null DependencyRequest by parsing the supplied classpath-like String for Maven artifact coordinates, and then invoking and returning the result of the MavenArtifactClassLoader.getDependencyRequest(Set, List) method.
getDependencyRequest(Set<? extends Artifact>, List<RemoteRepository>) - Static method in class org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenArtifactClassLoader
Given a Set of Artifacts and a List of RemoteRepository instances representing repositories from which they might be resolved, creates and returns a DependencyRequest for their resolution, using runtime scope.
getDependencyRequest(Set<? extends Artifact>, String, List<RemoteRepository>) - Static method in class org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenArtifactClassLoader
Given a Set of Artifacts and a List of RemoteRepository instances representing repositories from which they might be resolved, creates and returns a DependencyRequest for their resolution in the supplied scope.
getDependencyRequest(CollectRequest) - Static method in class org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenArtifactClassLoader
Returns a non-null DependencyRequest suitable for the supplied CollectRequest.
getGroupArtifactVersionCoordinates(URL) - Method in class org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenExtension
getUrls(RepositorySystem, RepositorySystemSession, DependencyRequest) - Static method in class org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenArtifactClassLoader
Returns a Collection of (file) URLs that results from resolution of the dependencies described by the supplied DependencyRequest.


MavenArtifactClassLoader - Class in org.microbean.maven.cdi
A URLClassLoader that uses the Maven Resolver API to resolve artifacts from Maven repositories.
MavenArtifactClassLoader(RepositorySystem, RepositorySystemSession, DependencyRequest) - Constructor for class org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenArtifactClassLoader
MavenArtifactClassLoader(RepositorySystem, RepositorySystemSession, DependencyRequest, ClassLoader) - Constructor for class org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenArtifactClassLoader
MavenArtifactClassLoader(RepositorySystem, RepositorySystemSession, DependencyRequest, ClassLoader, URLStreamHandlerFactory) - Constructor for class org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenArtifactClassLoader
MavenExtension - Class in org.microbean.maven.cdi
A CDI 2.0 portable extension that exposes the Maven Artifact Resolver components as CDI beans, particularly for the purposes of dependency resolution.
MavenExtension() - Constructor for class org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenExtension
Creates a new MavenExtension.


org.microbean.maven.cdi - package org.microbean.maven.cdi
Provides classes and interfaces that help to use the Maven Artifact Resolver project from within CDI.
org.microbean.maven.cdi.annotation - package org.microbean.maven.cdi.annotation
Provides annotations that help to use the Maven Artifact Resolver project from within CDI.


read(Source, boolean, Interpolator, SettingsProblemCollector) - Method in class org.microbean.maven.cdi.YamlSettingsBuilder
Given a Source, reads settings information from it and creates a new Settings object and returns it.
Resolution - Annotation Type in org.microbean.maven.cdi.annotation
A Qualifier annotation that indicates that whatever it annotates is affiliated somehow with artifact or dependency resolution, as opposed to, say, artifact deployment.


toClasspath() - Method in class org.microbean.maven.cdi.MavenArtifactClassLoader
Returns a non-null String with a classpath-like format that can represent this MavenArtifactClassLoader's URLs.


YamlSettingsBuilder - Class in org.microbean.maven.cdi
A SettingsBuilder implementation that behaves like a DefaultSettingsBuilder implementation but without needlessly requiring round-trip serialization and deserialization of the underlying settings, and that reads YAML files instead of XML files.
YamlSettingsBuilder() - Constructor for class org.microbean.maven.cdi.YamlSettingsBuilder
YamlSettingsBuilder(SettingsValidator, MavenSettingsMerger) - Constructor for class org.microbean.maven.cdi.YamlSettingsBuilder
Creates a new YamlSettingsBuilder.
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