All Classes and Interfaces

A skeletal Provider implementation.
An abstract AbstractProvider whose implementations are built around tree structures of various kinds.
An interface whose implementations handle various kinds of ambiguity that arise when a Loader seeks configured objects by way of various Providers.
A coupling of a Type, a priority (as defined in the MicroProfile Config specification), and a Converter.
A Java object that represents a tree-like configuration structure, using Jackson mapping constructs to make things easier.
A subclassable default Loader implementation that delegates its work to Providers and an AmbiguityHandler.
An AbstractProvider that provides access to environment variables.
A JacksonProvider built around an InputStream-providing bifunction and an ObjectCodec-providing bifunction.
A partial AbstractTreeBasedProvider implementation backed by Jackson.
An InputStreamJacksonProvider that reads JSON-formatted application.json classpath resources.
An OptionalSupplier that supplies an environmental object, and can load others.
An annotation designating an interface as one that is backed by various Loader.load(Path) calls, and that informs any Provider implementation that wishes to proxy it that the interface in question may be proxied.
An InputStreamJacksonProvider that reads Java properties-formatted files and classpath resources.
A service provider of Values that might be suitable for a Loader implementation to return.
An AbstractProvider that is capable of proxying certain interfaces and supplying them as environmental objects.
An instantiator of ServiceLoader.Provider instances.
An AbstractProvider that can return Values backed by System properties.
An InputStreamJacksonProvider that reads TOML-formatted application.toml classpath resources.
An OptionalSupplier of a value that is additionally qualified by a Path partially identifying the kinds of Qualifiers and Paths for which it might be suitable.
An InputStreamJacksonProvider that reads YAML-formatted application.yaml classpath resources.