All Classes and Interfaces

A mutable implementation of the AnnotatedConstruct interface.
A mutable implementation of the AnnotationMirror interface.
A simple implementation of the AnnotationValue interface.
A mutable implementation of the ArrayType interface.
A SimpleTypeVisitor14 that, given a TypeMirror and an Element, attempts to find a supertype of that TypeMirror whose defining element is equal to (normally is identical to) the supplied Element.
A utility class logically containing a single Lock that is used to guard against concurrent symbol completion.
A utility class containing ClassDesc instances describing classes in this package and related packages.
An Element that implements all known Element subinterfaces and delegates to an underlying Element for all operations.
A TypeMirror that implements all known TypeMirror subinterfaces and delegates to an underlying TypeMirror for all operations.
Something that can be enclosed by an Element.
Something that can enclose Elements that are also Encloseable.
Provides determinate hashcode and equality calculations chiefly for javax.lang.model implementations.
A utility class for working with the javax.lang.model.* packages at runtime.
A TypeAndElementSource implementation that is also Constable.
A Comparator that partially orders certain kinds of TypeMirrors according to the depths of their specialization hierarchies such that subtypes precede supertypes.
A Comparator of TypeMirrors that uses a Predicate to compare instances.
A supplier of a List of DelegatingTypeMirrors, built by a TypeClosureVisitor.
A SimpleTypeVisitor14 that produces a TypeClosure for a class or interface type, emulating javac's closure(Type) operation.
A TypePool.Default that produces TypeDescriptions from javax.lang.model.* constructs.
A hub of sorts for visitors of various kinds designed to reproduce the innards of certain aspects of the javac compiler at runtime.