microBean™ Jackson CDI Integration

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The microBean™ Jackson CDI Integration project provides a CDI portable extension that allows ObjectMapper instances to be injected in your CDI-based application.


Declare a dependency in your CDI-based Maven project:



Inject an ObjectMapper into a CDI bean:

import javax.enterprise.inject.Default;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper;

// This will be the default ObjectMapper.
private ObjectMapper objectMapper;

// This will be the same ObjectMapper as above.
private ObjectMapper defaultObjectMapper;

// This will be another ObjectMapper.
private ObjectMapper specialObjectMapper;


To customize the ObjectMapper created by the portable extension furnished by this project, observe an ObjectMapper-typed CDI event:

private static final void onDefaultObjectMapperCreation(@Observes final ObjectMapper objectMapperBeingCreated) {
  // The ObjectMapper received here is the default one and is in the process of
  // being registered in application scope.  You may customize it here, but do
  // not retain a reference to it.  Here is an arbitrary example.

private static final void onQualifiedObjectMapperCreation(@Observes @YourQualifierHere final ObjectMapper yellowObjectManagerBeingCreated) {
  // The ObjectMapper received here is the @YourQualifierHere-qualified one from
  // the example above and is in the process of being registered in application
  // scope.  You may customize it here, but do not retain a reference to it.
  // Here is an arbitrary example.