Project Dependency Management


The following is a list of compile dependencies in the DependencyManagement of this project. These dependencies can be included in the submodules to compile and run the submodule:

GroupId ArtifactId Version Classifier Type License
com.github.zafarkhaja java-semver 0.9.0 - jar The MIT License protobuf-java 3.5.1 - jar 3-Clause BSD License
io.fabric8 kubernetes-client 3.1.8 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0
io.grpc grpc-netty 1.10.0 - jar Apache 2.0
io.grpc grpc-protobuf 1.10.0 - jar Apache 2.0
io.grpc grpc-services 1.10.0 - jar Apache 2.0
io.grpc grpc-stub 1.10.0 - jar Apache 2.0
io.netty netty-tcnative-boringssl-static 2.0.7.Final osx-x86_64 jar Apache License, Version 2.0
junit junit 4.12 - jar Eclipse Public License 1.0
org.kamranzafar jtar 2.3 - jar ${basedir}/LICENSE.txt
org.microbean microbean-development-annotations 0.1.3 - jar Apache License 2.0
org.microbean microbean-kubernetes 0.1.1 - jar MIT
org.slf4j slf4j-simple 1.7.25 - jar MIT License
org.yaml snakeyaml 1.20 - jar Apache License, Version 2.0