The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type | Licenses |
org.apache.maven.resolver | maven-resolver-api | 1.1.0 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.microbean | microbean-development-annotations | 0.1.2 | jar | Apache License 2.0 |
org.microbean | microbean-helm | | jar | Apache License 2.0 |
The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Type | Licenses |
junit | junit | 4.12 | jar | Eclipse Public License 1.0 |
org.apache.maven | maven-resolver-provider | 3.5.2 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.maven | maven-settings-builder | 3.5.2 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.maven.resolver | maven-resolver-connector-basic | 1.1.0 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.maven.resolver | maven-resolver-transport-file | 1.1.0 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.apache.maven.resolver | maven-resolver-transport-http | 1.1.0 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
org.slf4j | slf4j-simple | 1.7.25 | jar | MIT License |
The following is a list of transitive dependencies for this project. Transitive dependencies are the dependencies of the project dependencies.
The following is a list of compile dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to compile and run the application:
The following is a list of runtime dependencies for this project. These dependencies are required to run the application:
GroupId | ArtifactId | Version | Classifier | Type | Licenses |
io.netty | netty-tcnative-boringssl-static | 2.0.5.Final | osx-x86_64 | jar | Apache License, Version 2.0 |
The following is a list of test dependencies for this project. These dependencies are only required to compile and run unit tests for the application:
3-Clause BSD License: Protocol Buffers [Core], Protocol Buffers [Util]
Apache Public License 2.0: Plexus Cipher: encryption/decryption Component, Plexus Security Dispatcher Component
Apache 2.0: Gson, OkHttp, OkHttp Logging Interceptor, Okio, error-prone annotations, io.grpc:grpc-context, io.grpc:grpc-core, io.grpc:grpc-netty, io.grpc:grpc-protobuf, io.grpc:grpc-protobuf-lite, io.grpc:grpc-stub
The Apache License, Version 2.0: Instrumentation, OpenCensus
Eclipse Public License 1.0: JUnit
MIT License: JCL 1.2 implemented over SLF4J, JUL to SLF4J bridge, SLF4J API Module, SLF4J Simple Binding
New BSD License: Hamcrest Core
BSD: Automaton
Apache License 2.0: microBean Development Annotations, microBean Helm, microBean Helm Maven Integration
Apache Software License: JTar
The MIT License: Java SemVer
Apache License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons Lang, Apache HttpClient, Apache HttpCore, Fabric8 :: Kubernetes :: Java Client, Fabric8 :: Kubernetes Model, Maven Artifact, Maven Artifact Resolver API, Maven Artifact Resolver Connector Basic, Maven Artifact Resolver Implementation, Maven Artifact Resolver Provider, Maven Artifact Resolver SPI, Maven Artifact Resolver Transport File, Maven Artifact Resolver Transport HTTP, Maven Artifact Resolver Utilities, Maven Builder Support, Maven Model, Maven Model Builder, Maven Repository Metadata Model, Maven Settings, Maven Settings Builder, Netty/Buffer, Netty/Codec, Netty/Codec/HTTP, Netty/Codec/HTTP2, Netty/Codec/Socks, Netty/Common, Netty/Handler, Netty/Handler/Proxy, Netty/Resolver, Netty/TomcatNative [BoringSSL - Static], Netty/Transport, Plexus :: Component Annotations, Plexus Common Utilities, Plexus Interpolation API, SnakeYAML
MIT: MicroBean Kubernetes
The Apache Software License, Version 2.0: Apache Commons Codec, Bean Validation API, FindBugs-jsr305, Generex, Guava: Google Core Libraries for Java, Jackson-annotations, Jackson-core, Jackson-dataformat-YAML, Jackson-module-JAXB-annotations, jackson-databind, javax.inject, zjsonpatch
Filename | Size | Entries | Classes | Packages | Java Version | Debug Information |
jackson-annotations-2.7.0.jar | 50.9 kB | 72 | 60 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes |
jackson-core-2.7.7.jar | 253.3 kB | 112 | 89 | 9 | 1.6 | Yes |
jackson-databind-2.7.7.jar | 1.2 MB | 607 | 573 | 20 | 1.6 | Yes |
jackson-dataformat-yaml-2.7.7.jar | 321.2 kB | 253 | 210 | 20 | 1.6 | Yes |
jackson-module-jaxb-annotations-2.7.5.jar | 34.6 kB | 30 | 12 | 3 | 1.6 | Yes |
generex-1.0.1.jar | 13.9 kB | 19 | 7 | 2 | 1.5 | Yes |
java-semver-0.9.0.jar | 46.8 kB | 56 | 43 | 3 | 1.6 | Yes |
proto-google-common-protos-0.1.9.jar | 1.7 MB | 670 | 654 | 8 | 1.7 | Yes |
jsr305-3.0.0.jar | 33 kB | 72 | 35 | 3 | 1.5 | Yes |
gson-2.7.jar | 232 kB | 190 | 174 | 7 | 1.6 | Yes |
error_prone_annotations-2.0.19.jar | 12.1 kB | 31 | 19 | 2 | 1.7 | No |
guava-20.0.jar | 2.4 MB | 1844 | 1814 | 18 | 1.6 | Yes |
instrumentation-api-0.4.3.jar | 93.6 kB | 105 | 97 | 3 | 1.6 | Yes |
protobuf-java-3.4.0.jar | 1.4 MB | 599 | 573 | 2 | 1.6 | Yes |
protobuf-java-util-3.4.0.jar | 68.5 kB | 53 | 42 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes |
logging-interceptor-3.8.1.jar | 8.3 kB | 14 | 5 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes |
okhttp-3.8.1.jar | 398.1 kB | 222 | 201 | 13 | 1.7 | Yes |
okio-1.13.0.jar | 81.8 kB | 51 | 43 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes |
commons-codec-1.9.jar | 264 kB | 227 | 85 | 6 | 1.6 | Yes |
automaton-1.11-8.jar | 176.3 kB | 206 | 25 | 1 | 1.5 | No |
kubernetes-client-3.0.0.jar | 416.7 kB | 347 | 292 | 11 | 1.7 | Yes |
kubernetes-model-2.0.0.jar | 7 MB | 5631 | 5606 | 8 | 1.7 | Yes |
zjsonpatch-0.3.0.jar | 35.5 kB | 38 | 24 | 4 | 1.7 | Yes |
grpc-context-1.7.0.jar | 27.3 kB | 27 | 23 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes |
grpc-core-1.7.0.jar | 501.2 kB | 447 | 438 | 4 | 1.6 | Yes |
grpc-netty-1.7.0.jar | 179.3 kB | 137 | 129 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes |
grpc-protobuf-1.7.0.jar | 6.7 kB | 11 | 6 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes |
grpc-protobuf-lite-1.7.0.jar | 8 kB | 11 | 5 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes |
grpc-stub-1.7.0.jar | 37.1 kB | 40 | 35 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes |
netty-buffer-4.1.16.Final.jar | 270.3 kB | 126 | 114 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes |
netty-codec-4.1.16.Final.jar | 313.7 kB | 216 | 194 | 10 | 1.6 | Yes |
netty-codec-http-4.1.16.Final.jar | 549.4 kB | 352 | 330 | 9 | 1.6 | Yes |
netty-codec-http2-4.1.16.Final.jar | 402.4 kB | 266 | 252 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes |
netty-codec-socks-4.1.16.Final.jar | 119.3 kB | 124 | 107 | 4 | 1.6 | Yes |
netty-common-4.1.16.Final.jar | 563.3 kB | 455 | 430 | 8 | 1.8 | Yes |
netty-handler-4.1.16.Final.jar | 372.1 kB | 258 | 236 | 10 | 1.6 | Yes |
netty-handler-proxy-4.1.16.Final.jar | 20.9 kB | 22 | 9 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes |
netty-resolver-4.1.16.Final.jar | 32.2 kB | 38 | 26 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes |
netty-tcnative-boringssl-static-2.0.5.Final-osx-x86_64.jar | 885.6 kB | 25 | 10 | 1 | 1.6 | Yes |
netty-transport-4.1.16.Final.jar | 450.4 kB | 363 | 341 | 11 | 1.6 | Yes |
opencensus-api-0.6.0.jar | 109.5 kB | 132 | 120 | 8 | 1.6 | Yes |
javax.inject-1.jar | 2.5 kB | 8 | 6 | 1 | 1.5 | No |
validation-api-1.1.0.Final.jar | 63.8 kB | 122 | 106 | 8 | 1.6 | Yes |
junit-4.12.jar | 314.9 kB | 323 | 286 | 30 | 1.5 | Yes |
commons-lang3-3.5.jar | 479.9 kB | 284 | 260 | 12 | 1.6 | Yes |
httpclient-4.5.3.jar | 747.8 kB | 507 | 466 | 24 | 1.6 | Yes |
httpcore-4.4.6.jar | 323.8 kB | 282 | 252 | 17 | 1.6 | Yes |
maven-artifact-3.5.2.jar | 54.9 kB | 57 | 32 | 11 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-builder-support-3.5.2.jar | 14.8 kB | 24 | 10 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-model-3.5.2.jar | 165 kB | 71 | 54 | 3 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-model-builder-3.5.2.jar | 179.7 kB | 154 | 121 | 16 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-repository-metadata-3.5.2.jar | 27.5 kB | 27 | 9 | 2 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-resolver-provider-3.5.2.jar | 67.7 kB | 44 | 27 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-settings-3.5.2.jar | 44.6 kB | 35 | 19 | 2 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-settings-builder-3.5.2.jar | 43.2 kB | 53 | 32 | 5 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-resolver-api-1.1.0.jar | 146.2 kB | 151 | 128 | 11 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-resolver-connector-basic-1.1.0.jar | 42.8 kB | 36 | 19 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-resolver-impl-1.1.0.jar | 184.6 kB | 116 | 96 | 4 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-resolver-spi-1.1.0.jar | 35.8 kB | 56 | 34 | 8 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-resolver-transport-file-1.1.0.jar | 13.2 kB | 21 | 4 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-resolver-transport-http-1.1.0.jar | 41.4 kB | 37 | 20 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes |
maven-resolver-util-1.1.0.jar | 158.9 kB | 128 | 101 | 13 | 1.7 | Yes |
plexus-component-annotations-1.7.1.jar | 4.3 kB | 15 | 3 | 1 | 1.6 | No |
plexus-interpolation-1.24.jar | 78.9 kB | 76 | 59 | 7 | 1.5 | Yes |
plexus-utils-3.1.0.jar | 261.6 kB | 129 | 104 | 9 | 1.6 | Yes |
hamcrest-core-1.3.jar | 45 kB | 52 | 45 | 3 | 1.5 | Yes |
jtar-2.3.jar | 17.2 kB | 19 | 9 | 1 | 1.7 | Yes |
microbean-development-annotations-0.1.2.jar | 9.5 kB | 16 | 4 | 1 | 1.8 | No |
microbean-helm- | 777.6 kB | 342 | 307 | 9 | 1.8 | Yes |
microbean-kubernetes-0.1.1.jar | 10.2 kB | 13 | 1 | 1 | 1.8 | Yes |
jcl-over-slf4j-1.7.25.jar | 16.5 kB | 23 | 9 | 2 | 1.5 | Yes |
jul-to-slf4j-1.7.13.jar | 4.6 kB | 11 | 1 | 1 | 1.5 | Yes |
slf4j-api-1.7.25.jar | 41.2 kB | 46 | 34 | 4 | 1.5 | Yes |
slf4j-simple-1.7.25.jar | 15.3 kB | 20 | 10 | 1 | 1.5 | Yes |
plexus-cipher-1.4.jar | 13.5 kB | 20 | 6 | 1 | 1.4 | Yes |
plexus-sec-dispatcher-1.4.jar | 27.7 kB | 31 | 13 | 3 | 1.4 | Yes |
snakeyaml-1.19.jar | 297.5 kB | 246 | 210 | 19 | 1.6 | Yes |
Total | Size | Entries | Classes | Packages | Java Version | Debug Information |
77 | 25.9 MB | 18094 | 16385 | 456 | 1.8 | 72 |
compile: 48 | compile: 21.3 MB | compile: 15213 | compile: 14193 | compile: 269 | - | compile: 45 |
test: 28 | test: 3.7 MB | test: 2856 | test: 2182 | test: 186 | - | test: 26 |
runtime: 1 | runtime: 885.6 kB | runtime: 25 | runtime: 10 | runtime: 1 | - | runtime: 1 |
Repo ID | URL | Release | Snapshot |
central | | Yes | No |
Repository locations for each of the Dependencies.