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Aggregate - Interface in org.microbean.bean
An object with dependencies.
alternate() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Bean
alternate() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Id
Returns the value of the alternate record component.
alternate() - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Ranked
Returns true if this Ranked is to be considered an alternate, which may have an effect on how the return value of the Ranked.rank() method is interpreted in some situations.
alternates() - Method in exception class org.microbean.bean.AmbiguousReductionException
Returns the contextual instances that could not be reduced.
AmbiguousReductionException - Exception Class in org.microbean.bean
A ReductionException indicating that many contextual instances could not be reduced to one.
AmbiguousReductionException(Object, Collection<?>, String) - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.AmbiguousReductionException
anyInterceptorBinding() - Static method in class org.microbean.bean.InterceptorBindings
Returns a Attributes representing the any interceptor binding.
anyInterceptorBinding(Attributes) - Static method in class org.microbean.bean.InterceptorBindings
Returns true if and only if the supplied Attributes represents the any interceptor binding.
assign(Function<? super AttributedType, ?>) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Aggregate
A convenience method that assigns a contextual reference to each of this Aggregate's AttributedElement instances and returns the resulting SequencedSet of Assignments.
assign(Function<? super AttributedType, ?>) - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Bean
assignee() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Assignment
Returns the value of the assignee record component.
Assignment<R> - Record Class in org.microbean.bean
An assignment of a contextual reference to an AttributedElement, usually as completed by a Request.
Assignment(AttributedElement, R) - Constructor for record class org.microbean.bean.Assignment
Creates a new Assignment.
AttributedElement - Record Class in org.microbean.bean
A pairing of an Element with a List of Attributess.
AttributedElement(Element, List<Attributes>) - Constructor for record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedElement
Creates a new AttributedElement.
attributedType() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedElement
attributedType() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.BeanReduction
Returns the value of the attributedType record component.
AttributedType - Record Class in org.microbean.bean
A pairing of a TypeMirror with a List of Attributess.
AttributedType(TypeMirror) - Constructor for record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedType
Creates a new AttributedType.
AttributedType(TypeMirror, List<Attributes>) - Constructor for record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedType
Creates a new AttributedType.
AttributedType(TypeMirror, Attributes...) - Constructor for record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedType
Creates a new AttributedType.
attributes() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedElement
Returns the value of the attributes record component.
attributes() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedType
Returns the value of the attributes record component.
attributes() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Id
Returns the value of the attributes record component.
AutoCloseableRegistry - Interface in org.microbean.bean
A reigstry of AutoCloseable instances that itself is AutoCloseable.


bean() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.BeanReduction
Returns the value of the bean record component.
Bean<I> - Record Class in org.microbean.bean
A (Constable) pairing of an Id with a Factory.
Bean(Id, Factory<I>) - Constructor for record class org.microbean.bean.Bean
Creates a new Bean.
BeanException - Exception Class in org.microbean.bean
A RuntimeException indicating that an error has occurred in code in this package.
BeanException() - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.BeanException
Creates a new BeanException.
BeanException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.BeanException
Creates a new BeanException.
BeanException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.BeanException
Creates a new BeanException.
BeanException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.BeanException
Creates a new BeanException.
BeanQualifiersMatcher - Class in org.microbean.bean
BeanQualifiersMatcher() - Constructor for class org.microbean.bean.BeanQualifiersMatcher
Creates a new BeanQualifiersMatcher.
beanReduction() - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Request
Returns the BeanReduction describing this Request in progress.
BeanReduction<I> - Record Class in org.microbean.bean
A pairing of an AttributedType and a Bean resulting from a reduction.
BeanReduction(AttributedType, Bean<I>) - Constructor for record class org.microbean.bean.BeanReduction
Creates a new BeanReduction.
Beans - Class in org.microbean.bean
A Selectable and Reducible implementation that works with Bean and AttributedType instances.
Beans(Selectable<AttributedType, Bean<?>>) - Constructor for class org.microbean.bean.Beans
Creates a new Beans.
Beans(Selectable<AttributedType, Bean<?>>, Reducer<AttributedType, Bean<?>>) - Constructor for class org.microbean.bean.Beans
Creates a new Beans.
Beans(Selectable<AttributedType, Bean<?>>, Reducible<AttributedType, Bean<?>>) - Constructor for class org.microbean.bean.Beans
Creates a new Beans.
Beans(Domain, Collection<? extends Bean<?>>) - Constructor for class org.microbean.bean.Beans
Creates a new Beans.
Beans(Domain, Bean<?>...) - Constructor for class org.microbean.bean.Beans
Creates a new Beans.
BeanTypeList - Class in org.microbean.bean
An immutable AbstractList of TypeMirrors that contains only legal bean types, sorted in a specific manner.
BeanTypeMatcher - Class in org.microbean.bean
BeanTypeMatcher(Domain) - Constructor for class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypeMatcher
Creates a new BeanTypeMatcher.
beanTypes(TypeMirror) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypes
Returns a BeanTypeList of legal bean types that the supplied TypeMirror bears.
BeanTypes - Class in org.microbean.bean
A utility for working with bean types.
BeanTypes(Domain) - Constructor for class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypes
Creates a new BeanTypes.


cachingSelectableOf(Collection<? extends Bean<?>>, Matcher<? super AttributedType, ? super Id>, Map<? extends AttributedType, ? extends List<Bean<?>>>) - Static method in class org.microbean.bean.Beans
Returns a new Selectable that caches its results.
cast() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Bean
Returns this Bean, forcibly cast appropriately.
CDI Specification, version 4.0, section 2.2.10 - Search tag in org.microbean.bean.BeanTypeList.proxiable()
External Specification
CDI Specification, version 4.1, section 2.2.1 - Search tag in org.microbean.bean.BeanTypes.legalBeanType(TypeMirror)
External Specification
CDI Specification, version 4.1, section 3.10 - Search tag in org.microbean.bean.BeanTypes.proxiableBeanType(TypeMirror)
External Specification
child(BeanReduction<J>) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Request
Returns a Request that is conceptually a child of this Request and that represents a request for a contextual reference satisfying the supplied BeanReduction.
clearCaches() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypes
Clears caches that may be used internally by this BeanTypes.
close() - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.AutoCloseableRegistry
close() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.DefaultAutoCloseableRegistry
close() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.DisposableReference
closed() - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.AutoCloseableRegistry
Returns true if and only if this AutoCloseableRegistry is closed.
closed() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.DefaultAutoCloseableRegistry
Returns true if and only if this DefaultAutoCloseableRegistry is closed.
closed() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.DisposableReference
Calls refersTo(null) and returns the result.
Constant<I> - Record Class in org.microbean.bean
A Factory that returns its singleton from its Constant.create(Request) method.
Constant(I) - Constructor for record class org.microbean.bean.Constant
Creates a new Constant.
create(Request<I>) - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Constant
Invokes the Constant.singleton() method and returns its result.
create(Request<I>) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Factory
Creates a new contextual instance, possibly using the supplied Request, if it is non-null, to acquire its dependencies.
created(I) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Creation
Signals that the supplied instance has been created, typically by an invocation of a Factory's create(Request) method, and is about to be made available for use.
Creation<I> - Interface in org.microbean.bean
A representation of a Factory's creation activity.
CreationException - Exception Class in org.microbean.bean
A BeanException indicating a problem with creation.
CreationException() - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.CreationException
Creates a new CreationException.
CreationException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.CreationException
Creates a new CreationException.
CreationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.CreationException
Creates a new CreationException.
CreationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.CreationException
Creates a new CreationException.
criteria() - Method in exception class org.microbean.bean.ReductionException
Returns this ReductionException's criteria object, which may be null.


DEFAULT_RANK - Static variable in interface org.microbean.bean.Ranked
The default rank (0) when returned by an implementation of the Ranked.rank() method.
DefaultAutoCloseableRegistry - Class in org.microbean.bean
A straightforward AutoCloseableRegistry implementation.
DefaultAutoCloseableRegistry() - Constructor for class org.microbean.bean.DefaultAutoCloseableRegistry
dependencies() - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Aggregate
Returns an immutable SequencedSet of AttributedElement instances.
dependencies() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Bean
describeConstable() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedElement
Returns an Optional containing a ConstantDesc describing this AttributedType, or an empty Optional if it could not be described.
describeConstable() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedType
Returns an Optional containing a ConstantDesc describing this AttributedType, or an empty Optional if it could not be described.
describeConstable() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Bean
describeConstable() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypeList
describeConstable() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Constant
describeConstable() - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Factory
Returns an Optional containing the nominal descriptor for this instance, if one can be constructed, or an empty Optional if one cannot be constructed.
describeConstable() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Id
destroy(I, Request<I>) - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Constant
destroy(I, Request<I>) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Factory
Destroys the supplied contextual instance.
destroys() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Constant
Returns true if and only if the return value of an invocation of the Constant.singleton() method is AutoCloseable.
destroys() - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Factory
Returns true if this Factory implementation destroys its created contextual instances in some way, or false if it does not.
DestructionException - Exception Class in org.microbean.bean
A BeanException indicating a problem with destruction.
DestructionException() - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.DestructionException
Creates a new DestructionException.
DestructionException(String) - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.DestructionException
Creates a new DestructionException.
DestructionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.DestructionException
Creates a new DestructionException.
DestructionException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.DestructionException
Creates a new DestructionException.
DisposableReference<R> - Class in org.microbean.bean
An AutoCloseable WeakReference that formally disposes of referents after they have been cleared by the Java Virtual Machine during garbage collection.
DisposableReference(R, Consumer<? super R>) - Constructor for class org.microbean.bean.DisposableReference
Creates a new DisposableReference.
dispose() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.DisposableReference
If there has been no prior successful invocation of this method, calls the accept(Object) method on the Consumer representing the disposer supplied at construction time, thus notionally disposing the referent supplied at construction time, and returns true.
disposed() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.DisposableReference
Returns true if and only if there has been a prior successful invocation of DisposableReference.dispose() that returned true.


element() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedElement
Returns the value of the element record component.
EMPTY_ASSIGNMENTS - Static variable in interface org.microbean.bean.Aggregate
An immutable, empty SequencedSet of Assignments.
EMPTY_DEPENDENCIES - Static variable in interface org.microbean.bean.Aggregate
An immutable, empty SequencedSet of AttributedElements.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Assignment
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedElement
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedType
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Bean
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.BeanReduction
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Constant
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.
equals(Object) - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Id
Indicates whether some other object is "equal to" this one.


factory() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Bean
Returns the value of the factory record component.
Factory<I> - Interface in org.microbean.bean
A creator and destroyer of contextual instances of a particular type.
fail(List<? extends T>, C) - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducer
Throws an UnsatisfiedReductionException if elements is empty, throws an AmbiguousReductionException if the size of elements is greater than 1, and returns the sole element of elements otherwise.


get(int) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypeList


hashCode() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Assignment
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedElement
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedType
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Bean
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.BeanReduction
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Constant
Returns a hash code value for this object.
hashCode() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Id
Returns a hash code value for this object.


id() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Bean
Returns the value of the id record component.
Id - Record Class in org.microbean.bean
An identifier for a Bean.
Id(BeanTypeList, List<Attributes>) - Constructor for record class org.microbean.bean.Id
Creates a new Id that is not an alternate and that has a default rank.
Id(BeanTypeList, List<Attributes>, boolean, int) - Constructor for record class org.microbean.bean.Id
Creates a new Id.
Id(BeanTypeList, List<Attributes>, int) - Constructor for record class org.microbean.bean.Id
Creates a new Id that is not an alternate.
IdMatcher - Class in org.microbean.bean
A Matcher that tests an Id to see if it matches an AttributedType.
IdMatcher(BeanQualifiersMatcher, InterceptorBindingsMatcher, BeanTypeMatcher) - Constructor for class org.microbean.bean.IdMatcher
Creates a new IdMatcher.
interceptorBinding() - Static method in class org.microbean.bean.InterceptorBindings
Returns a Attributes representing the interceptor binding (meta-) interceptor binding.
interceptorBinding(Attributes) - Static method in class org.microbean.bean.InterceptorBindings
Returns true if and only if the supplied Attributes is itself a Attributes that can be used to designate other Attributes instances as interceptor bindings, or a Attributes so designated.
interceptorBindings(Collection<? extends Attributes>) - Static method in class org.microbean.bean.InterceptorBindings
Given a Collection of Attributess, returns an immutable List consisting of those Attributes instances that are deemed to be interceptor bindings.
interceptorBindings(Collection<? extends Attributes>) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.InterceptorBindingsMatcher
Given a Collection of Attributess, returns an immutable Collection consisting of those Attributes instances that are deemed to be interceptor bindings.
InterceptorBindings - Class in org.microbean.bean
A utility class providing methods that work with interceptor bindings.
InterceptorBindingsMatcher - Class in org.microbean.bean
InterceptorBindingsMatcher() - Constructor for class org.microbean.bean.InterceptorBindingsMatcher
interfaceIndex() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypeList
Returns the index of the first interface type this BeanTypeList contains, or a negative value if it contains no interface types.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypeList


legalBeanType(TypeMirror) - Static method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypes
Returns true if and only if the supplied TypeMirror is a legal bean type as defined by the CDI specification.
list() - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Selectable
Returns an immutable List of all of this Selectable's elements.


newChild() - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.AutoCloseableRegistry
Returns a new AutoCloseableRegistry instance that is not closed, has no registrations yet, and is registered with this AutoCloseableRegistry.
newChild() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.DefaultAutoCloseableRegistry
Returns a new DefaultAutoCloseableRegistry instance that is not closed, has no registrations yet, and is registered with this DefaultAutoCloseableRegistry.


of() - Static method in class org.microbean.bean.RankedReducer
Returns a RankedReducer implementation.
of() - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Selectable
Returns a Selectable whose method always returns an empty List.
of(Collection<? extends E>, BiFunction<? super E, ? super C, ? extends Boolean>) - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Selectable
Returns a Selectable using the supplied Collection as its elements, and the supplied BiFunction as its selector function.
of(TypeMirror, Attributes...) - Static method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedType
Returns an AttributedType comprising the supplied arguments.
of(Selectable<C, E>, Reducer<C, E>) - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducible
Calls the Reducible.of(Selectable, Reducer, BiFunction) method with the supplied selectable, the supplied r, and a reference to the, Object) method, and returns the result.
of(Selectable<C, E>, Reducer<C, E>, BiFunction<? super List<? extends E>, ? super C, ? extends E>) - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducible
Returns a Reducible implementation that uses the supplied Reducer for its reduction operations.
of(Domain, Collection<? extends TypeMirror>) - Static method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypeList
Returns a non-null BeanTypeList suitable for the supplied arguments.
ofCaching(Collection<? extends E>, BiFunction<? super E, ? super C, ? extends Boolean>) - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Selectable
Returns a Selectable using the supplied Collection as its elements, and the supplied BiFunction as its selector function.
ofCaching(Selectable<C, E>, Reducer<C, E>) - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducible
Calls the Reducible.ofCaching(Selectable, Reducer, BiFunction) method with the supplied selectable, the supplied r, the supplied failureHandler, and a reference to the, Object) method, and returns its result.
ofCaching(Selectable<C, E>, Reducer<C, E>, BiFunction<? super List<? extends E>, ? super C, ? extends E>) - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducible
Calls the Reducible.ofCaching(Selectable, Reducer, BiFunction, BiFunction) method with the supplied selectable, the supplied r, the supplied fh, and a reference to the computeIfAbsent(Object, Function) method of a new ConcurrentHashMap, and returns its result.
ofCaching(Selectable<C, E>, Reducer<C, E>, BiFunction<? super List<? extends E>, ? super C, ? extends E>, BiFunction<? super C, Function<C, E>, ? extends E>) - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducible
Returns a Reducible implementation that uses the supplied Reducer for its reduction operations and the supplied computeIfAbsent BiFunction for its caching implementation.
ofFailing() - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducer
Returns a Reducer whose Reducer.reduce(List, Object, BiFunction) method, for a given List of elements, returns the result of invoking its supplied failure handler.
ofSimple() - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducer
Returns a Reducer whose Reducer.reduce(List, Object, BiFunction) method, for a given List of elements, returns the List's sole element if the List has exactly one element, and returns the result of invoking its supplied failure handler otherwise.
org.microbean.bean - module org.microbean.bean
Provides packages related to implementing beans.
org.microbean.bean - package org.microbean.bean
Provides classes and interfaces related to implementing beans.
outranks(int) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Ranked
Returns true if this Ranked bears a rank that outranks the rank represented by j according to the rules described in the specification for the outranks(int, int) method.
outranks(int, int) - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Ranked
Returns true if and only if a rank represented by i outranks a rank represented by j.
outranks(Ranked) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Ranked
Returns true if this Ranked outranks the supplied Ranked according to the rules described in the specification for the outranks(int, int) method.
outranks(Ranked, Ranked) - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Ranked
Returns true if and only if r0 is non-null and outranks r1.


primordial() - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Request
Returns true if and only if this Request implementation is the primordial request.
proxiable() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypeList
Returns true if and only if this BeanTypeList is proxiable.
proxiableBeanType(TypeMirror) - Static method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypes
Returns true if and only if the supplied TypeMirror is a legal, declared, proxiable bean type as defined by the CDI specification.


qualifiers(Collection<? extends Attributes>) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanQualifiersMatcher
Returns an unmodifiable Collection consisting only of those Attributess in the supplied Collection that are deemed to be qualifiers.


rank() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Bean
rank() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Id
Returns the value of the rank record component.
rank() - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Ranked
Returns the rank of this Ranked implementation.
Ranked - Interface in org.microbean.bean
An interface whose implementations can be ranked numerically in descending order (the highest or greatest rank outranks, or wins, or trumps, or comes first).
RankedReducer<C,T> - Class in org.microbean.bean
A Reducer implementation that works with Ranked objects.
reduce(C) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducible
Given a criteria object, which may be null, returns an object that represents the reduction of a notional collection of objects.
reduce(List<? extends T>, C) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducer
Invokes the Reducer.reduce(List, Object, BiFunction) method with the supplied arguments and a reference to the, Object) method, and returns the result.
reduce(List<? extends T>, C, BiFunction<? super List<? extends T>, ? super C, ? extends T>) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.RankedReducer
reduce(List<? extends T>, C, BiFunction<? super List<? extends T>, ? super C, ? extends T>) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducer
Performs some kind of reductive or filtering operation on the supplied List, according to the supplied criteria, and returns the single result, or, if reduction fails, invokes the supplied BiFunction with a sublist representing a partial reduction (or an empty list representing a reduction that simply could not be performed), along with the supplied criteria, and returns its result.
reduce(AttributedType) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.Beans
reduce(Selectable<? super C, ? extends T>, C) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducer
Invokes the Reducer.reduce(List, Object, BiFunction) method with the return value of an invocation of the select(Object) method on the supplied Selectable supplied with c, and the supplied c and a reference to the fail(List, Object) method, and returns the result.
reduce(Selectable<? super C, ? extends T>, C, BiFunction<? super List<? extends T>, ? super C, ? extends T>) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducer
Invokes the Reducer.reduce(List, Object, BiFunction) method with the return value of an invocation of the select(Object) method on the supplied Selectable supplied with c, and the supplied c and failureHandler arguments, and returns the result.
Reducer<C,T> - Interface in org.microbean.bean
A functional interface whose implementations can either reduce a supplied List of elements representing a successful selection to a single element normally drawn or calculated from the selection according to some criteria, or fail gracefully in the face of ambiguity by invoking a supplied failure handler.
Reducible<C,T> - Interface in org.microbean.bean
A functional interface whose implementations can reduce an unspecified notional collection of elements to a single element according to some criteria.
ReductionException - Exception Class in org.microbean.bean
A BeanException concerning problematic reductions.
ReductionException(Object, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.ReductionException
Creates a new ReductionException.
reference(AttributedType) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Request
Acquires a contextual reference that matches the supplied AttributedType and returns it.
reference(AttributedType, Bean<R>, Creation<R>) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Request
Returns a contextual reference that matches the supplied AttributedType, using the supplied Bean to disambiguate otherwise ambiguous contextual reference selections.
reference(AttributedType, Creation<R>) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Request
Returns a contextual reference that matches the supplied AttributedType.
register(AutoCloseable) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.AutoCloseableRegistry
If this AutoCloseableRegistry is not closed, and if the supplied AutoCloseable has not yet been registered, registers it such that it will be closed when this AutoCloseableRegistry is closed, and returns true.
register(AutoCloseable) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.DefaultAutoCloseableRegistry
If this DefaultAutoCloseableRegistry is not closed, and if the supplied AutoCloseable has not yet been registered, registers it such that it will be closed when this DefaultAutoCloseableRegistry is closed, and returns true.
Request<I> - Interface in org.microbean.bean
A request for a contextual reference of a particular attributed type, along with functionality to help fulfil the request.
returnNull(A, B) - Static method in interface org.microbean.bean.Reducer
Returns null when invoked, regardless of arguments.


select(C) - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Selectable
Selects and returns an immutable List representing a sublist of this Selectable's elements, as mediated by the supplied criteria.
select(AttributedType) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.Beans
Selectable<C,T> - Interface in org.microbean.bean
A notional list of elements from which sublists may be selected according to some criteria.
singleton() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Constant
Returns the value of the singleton record component.
singleton() - Method in interface org.microbean.bean.Factory
Returns the sole contextual instance of this Factory's type, if there is one, or null in the very common case that there is not.
size() - Method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypeList


targetClassInterceptorBinding(String) - Static method in class org.microbean.bean.InterceptorBindings
Returns a Attributes representing a target class interceptor binding.
targetClassInterceptorBinding(Attributes) - Static method in class org.microbean.bean.InterceptorBindings
Returns true if and only if the supplied Attributes is a target class interceptor binding.
test(Collection<? extends Attributes>, Collection<? extends Attributes>) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanQualifiersMatcher
Returns true if and only if either (a) the collection of qualifiers present in receiverAttributes is empty and either the collection of qualifiers present in payloadAttributes is also empty or contains the default qualifier, or (b) if the collection of qualifiers present in payloadAttributes is empty or the return value of Qualifiers.anyAndDefaultQualifiers() contains all of the qualifiers present in receiverAttributes, or (c) if the collection of qualifiers present in payloadAttributes contains all of the qualifiers present in receiverAttributes.
test(Collection<? extends Attributes>, Collection<? extends Attributes>) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.InterceptorBindingsMatcher
Returns true if and only if either (a) both the collection of interceptor bindings present in receiverAttributes and the collection of interceptor bindings present in payloadAttributes are empty, or (b) if the collection of interceptor bindings present in payloadAttributes has only one element and that element is the any interceptor binding, or (c) the sizes of the collection of interceptor bindings present in receiverAttributes and the collection of interceptor bindings present in payloadAttributes are the same and the collection of interceptor bindings present in receiverAttributes contains all the collection of interceptor bindings present in payloadAttributes and the collection of interceptor bindings present in payloadAttributes contains all the collection of interceptor bindings present in receiverAttributes.
test(TypeMirror, Iterable<? extends TypeMirror>) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.IdMatcher
Tests the supplied Iterable of TypeMirrors to see if at least one TypeMirror it yields matches the supplied TypeMirror and returns the result.
test(TypeMirror, TypeMirror) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.BeanTypeMatcher
Returns true if and only if the supplied payload argument matches the supplied receiver argument, according to the rules defined by section of the CDI specification.
test(AttributedType, Id) - Method in class org.microbean.bean.IdMatcher
Tests the supplied Id to see if it matches the supplied AttributedType and returns the result.
toString() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Assignment
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedElement
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedType
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Bean
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.BeanReduction
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Constant
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Id
Returns a string representation of this record class.
toString() - Method in exception class org.microbean.bean.ReductionException
Returns a String reprsentation of this ReductionException.
type() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedElement
Returns this AttributedElement's type.
type() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.AttributedType
Returns the value of the type record component.
types() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Id
Returns the value of the types record component.


UnsatisfiedReductionException - Exception Class in org.microbean.bean
A ReductionException indicating that a reduction did not occur because there were no elements to reduce.
UnsatisfiedReductionException(Object, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception class org.microbean.bean.UnsatisfiedReductionException


value() - Method in record class org.microbean.bean.Assignment
Returns the value of the value record component.
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